Thursday, June 4, 2009

Introduction to my rewrite

The assignment was a one hour timed write this was the prompt for the paper considering your own perceptions of non-conformity, how does the film and the group discussion that ensued challenge these perceptions? I picked this one to do my rewrite because I thought the movie has a lot to offer and learn from. This movie was a great learning tool. I found that this movie was trying to show us the life can be much simpler then we make it out to be. In the case of the movie, Off The Map, being non-conformity or over the line is doing something that the rest of the world feels is not expectable to them. In this movie it shows some one from the IRS coming to their house to collect money and do an audit. He ends up getting sick but then after better he still stays there. This to me is over the line of some one working for the government. This movie thought me that you can not just look at one thing and make judgment on some one or a situation. You need the whole picture to see what is really going on some where. I thought that I had the right idea for this assignment but under the pressure of it being timed I lost track of what I was trying to say and decided that I would pick this for my rewrite.

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