Thursday, June 4, 2009

The giant puzzle and my reflection

Hey everybody, my name is Ashley Davis and I live in Spokane Wa. I moved here in November for a change. I am a single mother of a almost two year old and met an amazing man. Life has changed a lot for me over the last seven to eight months. When this quarter started I was going for Early Childhood Education but now I have changed it to a PT Assistant. I think that is a better choice for me. I love school, this quarter with English has had me working and trying my very best to do well, although at times I did not feel that my grades showed that I did. Thought the quarter my mind has grown a lot. I have learned that something like a community is so much more then just a word. Some ones wallet or purse is so much more then just an item, there is a lot of meaning there. I never thought of a movie as the starting point for a great discussion, or writing piece but it can inspire a lot if talking. Also never thought of family tradition as a blog but it was nice to write a little about me.

Tradition, community, and identity were the themes we learned about this quarter. I did not know what to expect this quarter as it started. English is always hard for me and this class was a little bit harder then I thought. I thought I did better on some of the papers than the score showed, this made it tough for me. I did learn so many things in this class but living in Spokane I could never go in and talk face to face and this made it ever harder. I look at tradition differently then when the quarter started, the different things people talked about as being tradition were different then mine and I liked it. Community was the one that opened my eyes the most, there are more communities out there than I ever thought of before. Identity, this is a tough one for me, I struggle with this one the most. I liked this topic because it made me look into my self more. Diversity is an interesting thing to add to English, truthfully when I signed up for this class I did not know the difference in the two. Now I know, I liked this class and grew for the challenges it brought me. Looking back I may have picked the other 101 English had I known, but really English is just plain hard for me. I grew from this class and the challenges it brought to me.

The pieces I picked to show case are, My rewrite: Timed write #1 Off the Map, Critical thinking: Who’s In Who’s Out, awareness of audience and voice Blog post #1 Whats in your Wallet and Writers Choice: Tradition Blog Post #3. I picked these because I think they show my growth and change in me the most. The reason I picked Off The Map to rewrite is because I think I had good ideas but lost them under the pressure of it being timed. The other ones I think show a lot about me and how I really am and how I have been able to grow and get passed some hurt I had.

1 comment:

  1. Your baby is really cute..
    Good Job with your e-portfolio
    Im so jealous, you really did a good job.
